These sweet little cupcakes showed up in our house this week and you can assemble these faster than you can say…
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?
MAKE RUDOLF ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES. These cupcakes almost fly out of your kitchen.
Come with me below and I’ll share the magic of inviting RUDOLF ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES into your day.
the sparkle and festivity of the season, I feel like there’s no one I’ve met this past
week who isn’t talking about their lack of time but, are still driven to create, bake
and fill their homes with the season in the best way they know how.
I was at the most wonderful cookie exchange with friends last night. I laughed, loved, enjoyed and admired tales of so many who were working like pros to master old and new recipes; making repeat batches to perfect a new or old household favourite — -the lengths perfectionists go to for holiday baking is Olympian! I want the recipe of every single person who attended. It was a night where I was reminded of all of the talents in the world of people we never meet but, lift me so. I celebrate home bakers! I also feel that baking is like artistry, science and love all tied up into one bundle that is a shared experience. The kitchen is so central to my family and I think it is universal. So, I woke up thinking of the look I’ve seen in eyes of the hurried over the past week; messages I’ve received from people who say that they just don’t have the time and thought to share this SUPER SIMPLE little delight we’ve made at home this year: REINDEER ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES
This is a recipe that you can make in one sweep or bake bit-by-bit over days and then, assemble when you have time or have gathered those who you’d like to bake with. You can replace our cake with our own favorite recipe and the GINGERBREAD COOKIEs with your own: just follow my step-by-step assembly. These cupcakes do delight. They’re super fun to make with little kids or to make for kids but, I would so love to get these into the hands of those who feel that they are impossibly busy. If you don’t have the time to bake the cookie antlers: replace these with candy canes, pretzels or Cadbury Fingers.
Wishing you the best of the season and if you use this recipe, I would love to see what you do with it, too!
Let’s bake:
- Mini Ice Cream Cones,
- Cake. I used this: GINGERBREAD CAKE
- Cut-out cookies. I used this: GINGERBREAD COOKIES
- Red Candies (Such as red, M&M’s)
- Brown Candies (Such as brown, M&M’s: chocolate non-pareil or small bits of cookie dough)
- Icing
Stand 24 Mini Ice Cream Cones into muffin tins. If you have mini sized muffin tins these work the best but standard sizes work, as well.
Preheat oven Prepare cake batter and fill cones. I like to use this GINGERBREAD CAKE recipe for rudolfs but, go ahead and use your favorite. Bake according to recipe. Cool.
In the meantime, cut antlers from pre-prepared GINGERBREAD dough or simliar cut out cookie dough. If you look carefully, I’ve used both Gingerbread and a householdhold favorite chocolate that I’ll try to share, yet, before Christmas. Bake. Cool.
- Pipe Icing to top Cake Ice Cream Cone to cover the top cake surface.
- Add red nose, eyes and antlers
- Rudulf and friends are ready for the day! RUDOLF ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES
The Cake and Cookie Recipes we used:
If you’d
like more Rudolf, these Rudolf
Gift Boxes or Rudolf Cards could
be for you. Have you been following along in The
Creative Calander’s 24 Days of
Creativity, HERE? I’m thrilled to
have 20 Scandinavian Creators sharing a new project every day for 24 days in a
third annual calendar.
Willowday Wishes
Lion (not pictured)