BONUS: Felt Hearts and Wooden Bead Snowmen
Hi Friends, New and Old.
Before I kick off an official Willowday New Year, I’d like to close the holidays and bring in one, very, last, guest: Marie , who also shared ornaments on DAY 9 in the 24 Days of Scandinavian Creativity and stockings with leather, here in 2016. I hope you were able to join us the month of December and that you’ve caught Marie’s DAY 9 Wooden Christmas Tree Ornaments with etching along with her 2016 stockings, here.
Just like Marie, we’ve been cozy celebrating holidays with friends and family; enjoying the snow and icy days, and the enjoy opportunities for connection and creativity; but, we’ve been away traveling. I love this simple projects that could be made all winter that she’s shared with us today.
Thank you friends for joining all of this these holidays. I hope you’ve enjoyed traveling to Sweden with me and gaining new glimpses into other’s creativity. I look forward to 2017 and meeting you here again soon. Willowday Wishes, Gina
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