DIY Lego Advent Calender
DIY Lego Advent Calender
Happy December 1st. I have a special post today. Do your kids love legos? Surprise them with this Christmas Tree in a 24 day Advent Calender. Instructions, supply list and printable daily tutorials, below.

My very creative, talented, engineer, friend, Annika, told me years ago that every year she broke down a lego kit and re-assembled an Advent Calender from it, for her two children. I was dazzled by her ambition but, thought that this was something I’d never do. Last year, something changed: our kids had become so incredibly interesting in Legos, I decided it was time to try and I created 3 Lego Advent calenders from 3 kits, for the each of the kids. These were huge hits. This year, I simplified. I raided the boys extra Lego supply, built a Christmas tree and then, turned it into our family Lego calender and wanted to share it with you, too! This is perfect, if you are looking for a special, last minute, calender. Chances are, you have all the you need, already, in the house!

Legos (See supply chart above)
Daily Tutorial Print outs, PDF, here

Select and Separate legos from supply chart above for all 24 days.
Print out the daily Lego Christmas Tree instruction sheet, here. Cut into days.
Select daily legos (1-24). Print and cut out the daily LEGO Lego Christmas Tree advent instruction sheet. Match the daily legos with their corresponding instruction and wrap these carefully together. Place this into your Advent Calender and enjoy!
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