DIY Mother’s Day Monogram Journals
I’m sharing a Mother’s Day Gift today:DIY Mother’s Day Monogram Journals.
With one week to go, I wanted to make sure you had time to create something special because I think that there’s something extra special about the act of using your own hands to create; using your own imagination and creating a personalised gift for Mom. These Monogram journals can hold a love story for Mom.
Hop down below with us to learn how …
In the one that we’re sharing, we’ve used vintage Swedish wallpaper that I
picked up onmy trip to southern Sweden a few weeks ago;but, there are one hundred things you could use instead:
traditional card stock, photos, artwork, decorative paper, paintings, etc —
make your own love story to M-O-M, continue inside or leave them blank for Mom
to fill.
From the moment I saw this wild flower wall paper(here,)I thought of my own mother and one special but, unusual, Mother’s Day surrounded by flowers.
One year (and the only year) we celebrated Mother’s Day with a picnic next to a field filled with flowers and prairie grass rather than our usual formal Mother’s Day brunch with extended family. That unique day made such an impression for all of it’s simplicity.
I remember snapping one of my first favorite photos of my beautiful mother with a flower tucked behind her ear on that day. (This was before iPhones + even digital. Shooting a picture was an occasion.) We still have the photo. Every time I see this teeny, faded, photo that I had proudly cut out like a heart to fit into the boldly contrasting mod-plastic-heart-shaped-frame, it makes me smile. I smile for my inner kid. I smile for now — the kids I now have and the wonderful GrandmothermyMom now has become. That happy faded photo is coloured with memories and futures.
So, for me: using this paper from now; bound with thoughts of then; made with my daughter’s hands seemed to me a wonderful way to celebrate my amazing mother. For you, do it in a way that makes you happy: maybe it’s a photo; a painting from your kids: a recycled project or straight art — use this guide to make Moms around the world: Mother’s Day Monogram Journals!
Let’s get started:
– Cover Stock (This can be wallpaper, like we used or card stock or similar heavy paper)
– Cutting tool (My Xacto knife has gone missing since we’ve returned from our vacation and we used a scissors!)
– Ruler or straight edge
– Pencil
– Double-sided tape
– One thin, small, paper covered, paper journal
How to:
– Start by marking your “M” onto the journal with a straight edge and an erasable pencil.
– To create this. Find the center of your book, then mark a “v” on top and an “M” on the bottom.
– Cut through the book and cover completely. following your markings.
DIY Mother’s Day Monogram Journals is ready for gift giving.
If you are covering a book, like we did:
– Start by measuring the cover. The cover (we used wallpaper) needs to be the same size as an open journal with about 1/4 ” or 1 cm extra on each end.
– Cover the book with double sided tape: including both inside flaps and press.
I hope you have fun personalising your gift giving! I’d love to see what you do!
Willowday wishes.
Our #theMacaroniChallenge ends tomorrow on May 3rd, 2015. We’ve loved seeing your projects and have such a great prize. It’s not too late, if you haven’t shared a project.Click here for details.
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