DIY: Pen Case from Recycled Jeans
Why did I not think to build our Rapunzel a tower?…
But, instead … sewed our Rapunzel a pen case, which she flew off with today!
The two of us have been packing and preparing for her class trip (click here). My hands were just itching to send her off with something discreetly mommy-made. Since the class will already be doing school work, it wasn’t the time for me to add to her work with a travel journal; then, I remembered the jeans, jeans and more baby jeans, I had been saving. Recently, I’ve been up-cycyling baby clothes (click here) and realized that these jeans would make fantastic pen cases, necessaries, or even purses, if you just add a strap.
Do you, too, save baby clothes? I’m getting better sifting through the old, but, you’d think that their baby clothes could speak, the way I can’t let go of their first outfits; however, recently, I’m finding inner strength and enjoying turning these baby items into something new — Moms need to take baby steps sometimes, too! This case was made in under 30 minutes! I hope it might bring you a little inspiration. Happy Making.
Sturdy Zipper
Baby Jeans
Denim colored thread
Scissor and pinking shears

DIY: Card Pen Case – use collectible cards for a personalized case — baseball, horse, Lego, etc.
Luggage Tags
Travel Journal (click here) and (here: page-a-day)
Travel Freezer Paper Tees
Pocket Necklace