Easiest DIY Birthday Candles
It’s true: although hard for me to believe: our kids aren’t overly wild about frosting. In fact, in Sweden, a lot children aren’t too fond of traditional buttercream decorating icing. So, how to add a punch of color and character without frosting? These numerical candles are perfect!
Choose any color and bend into shape. They’re a super easy way to add a little originality, too. To see how these are made, just look below.

1) Choose a candle. (These are the plain, long, thin, candles found in your local grocery.) 2) Light another candle that is in a holder. This flame will be your source to soften the surface in order to literally bend the candle into a numeral. To do so, hold the candle about 2 inches above the flame for a fraction of a second; bend the candle into the numerical form. Working fairly quickly, continuously soften the candle in the areas that will need to bend. 3) Once the number has been formed, cool. When your number is complete, heat the bottom of the number and carefully pierce a toothpick into the base. That’s it! Let cool and place on top of your cake. (If the toothpick isn’t holding, just dip the base of the number into the melting candle wax (from the candle you’ve been using to form the number). Let it begin to cool and pierce with tooth pick.

Keep the shapes very simple. Happy number making!
Reader question: Do you need more photos for assembly or is the how-to working for your? I’m curious if you prefer illustrations, like these: click here or photos, as above. I’d like to share tutorials that truly work for you and love to hear from you.
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