Father’s Day Gift Wrap
Action wraps for your superman! Giftwrap #29: Superdad Giftwrap
Of course, we want Dads’ day to be full of action, tailored just to him.
Come with us on the super day adventure. Click below to see how you can set the stage for Dad, too!
Let’s get started:
- Start by wrapping your gift in solid red wrapping paper.
- Size craft paper for the second layer of wrapping paper. Sketch a burst shape onto the craft paper and cut this burst our carefully.
- Size and cut one piece of black tissue paper to cover this burst.
- Cover the exposed, burst, shape with the black tissue paper and adhere the tissue to the wrapping paper with tape.
- Prepare a card (We cut black bursts from black card stock and wrote on this with white color pencil.) Punch hole on top of the card and attach a red ribbon through this hole, leaving a long ribbon.
- Using needle, punch one small hole in the middle of the black burst and thread the ribbon through the hole, pulling the thread out to the front of the package, leaving the card under the burst and inside the package.
- Attach a card to the end of the string and your package is wrapped and ready for gift giving.
8-9. To open, all all Dad will have to do is pull the card at the end of the ribbon and with a little tug, the package will burst open. Happy Super Celebrations!
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