Make Chalkboard Deer
Can you take on a walk without picking up sticks? Rain or shine, it seems we can’t. Maybe you’ve already found a perfect branch like ours, just waiting for some creativity, too?
We accumulate sticks for Henry, sticks for jousting, sticks for tossing, and we often return home with a stash and ideas (like this, here). Truth be told, I’m surely a silent contributor to this accumulation because, to me, walks and sticks often equal: shared outdoor time and creativity: bliss!
When I eyed one of the kids with this thick, forked stick, recently, I guessed that it would make perfect antlers and the idea for the Chalkboard Deer Head Memo Board, was born. Both functional and fun it now greets us by our door, greeting us and guests!
I wish you the same kind of fun and discovery. Just follow below for the full instruction — Inspired wishes!

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(Come join us for the year in review)

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