Make Spray Paint Shirts
“Sunday Surprise!” Come join the fun and express yourself with spray paint tees!
I had planned to save this post to share with you in the coming week. Our school starts tomorrow and I keep thinking that “if just one of you is looking a last summer project, I just have to share these with you.” This is a “fits-all-sizes, uni-sex, project;” a personal way to add to a kid wardrobe, play clothes and/ or PJ’s to come home to!) Click below for full tutorial. Let’s create!
Fabric Spray paint can be used indoors, is readily available in most craft stores, and is like magic — transforming ideas into cool, modern, images, quickly. Gather a group of friends to make “name tees;” or just create. Oh, I’d love to see what you do. (Please, pretty please!)The only limit is your imagination. Working with spray paints adds energy and a little of the unexpected — in a good way.
As I mentioned, above, this is a project for all ages, all styles — everyone — and, since we have a house of tweens + a teen, it’s worked well for has as an “Invitation to play.” If you have kids this age, then you know, too, that creating is still abundant but it happens differently and I’m always on the look out for an engaging, easy, idea to lure in all 3 kids (… and often, friends and neighbors…) All you need are tees, tape and fabric spray paint, to get started.
Let’s start creating!

B Paper Pattern: If you take a look at the examples above, the blue cursive “f” or the football, these were first sketched and then, backed with double-sided tape. Once the entire back of the pattern has been covered, cut out the stencil. Francesca cut a paper letter and attached it to the shirt with double sided tape. Remove the paper template as soon as possible to prevent the color to bleed through the paper. A very clean edge can be created using paper stencils but, the key is in the way the double – sided tape is applied. Make sure that all edges are covered and that it is pressed onto the fabric very well. (An example of this is the blue, calligraphy “F.” An example where we wanted to experiment with edges that weren’t universally well applied is the “football tee.” We wanted this worn look and were happy with it for our image — it was a choice — but, this is important to consider as you make.

Oh, happy day — willowday wishes to you all!
Back to School Handmade Project
Make Alphabet Muffins
Re-cycle: Make a Phone/Ipod Stand
Backpack Charms