Nesting Baby Shower
From the moment the first craft paper nest was formed, I knew this would be something I’d want to share here. When my friend, Oona, announced that she was expecting her third child, our mutual friend, Jennifer, offered to hostess a baby shower for her. Jennifer had the full support of a very special group of our friends to collaborate with. We knew that Oona was expecting a boy and easily agreed upon the blue, green and khaki nest theme. The entire day was beautiful that it’s been difficult for me to edit these pictures to share with you. If you peruse below, here are just a few, teeny, glimpses from Oona’s blessed nest!
Starting on the top, left-hand, working across each row and working down:
Shayla organized these sweet nest cupcakes from Cupcake STHLM.
Leslie make this show stopping Diaper Cake which included the blue bird perched on top. It was so sweet! (I am wondering if I could get her come here and show me how to do this, too.)
Jennifer offered sumptuous surrounding and made hostessing look so natural.
Kirsten’s Shea butter gifts, packaged with Alexia’s fine hand, were so meaningful and welcome. (If you are interested, click here, for more about Shea: women’s gold and a project she’s involved with)
Monique’s celebrity baby quiz exposed us all. Her nested color-coordinated Essie nail polish was an adorable and welcome prize.
Oona (who wasn’t supposed to lift a finger!) surprised us with symbolic candles, packaged to theme and tied with sweet messages.
Elise made these sweet little nest quiches. (I wonder if she’d share her recipe? They were so yummy.)
Angelique Thanks to you for the delicious Albert and Jacks spread!
Alexia for carefully choosing the macaroon with care as well as putting your stylish touch on all things print and bowed!
Nest Invitations
Card stock and envelopes
Extra card stock for printing the nests
double sided glue or glue “pillows”
This is how they were put together:
1) Layout text, leaving blank area for the nest illustration. Print.
2) Print and cut out the nests; cutting around the nest to keep this loose form.
3) Tape the twig into position to the back of the nest illustration.
5) Apply double sided tape into the position the nest illustration will be place and press the illustration, complete with twig where it belongs.
6) Address the envelope and these sweet nest invitations are ready to be mailed.
Craft Paper Baskets
Craft Paper
Paper shredder
Craft Paper Tape
Egg Soap or Egg Candies.
A note on the shredded paper:
If you have pre-shred craft paper available to you, this is fine to substitute. I found that I preferred craft paper that I shred myself for these place cards to pre-packaged paper because the craft paper had more body and could hold a better shape. I found the best weight to be the actual wrapping paper craft paper. I tried recycling paper bags for this, as well, and found that this was a little too stiff for these place cards. Monique, however, used recycled paper bags for her nail polish prizes and it looked perfect wrapped in cellophane. I think the weight worked well with heavier objects; just watch out for areas of the bag that have colors you don’t want to include.
This is how the little nests were made:
1. Take about one generous handful of shredded paper. Scrunch it in a tight ball, then, form it in your hand into a nest form by using your hand to keep the shape round and a finger to push in a little center area.
2. Once you have this next shape, position it where you would like to use it (as a place card or as a decoration) and delicately slide a thin twig into the nesting paper. Twigs that have a little leaf are interesting.
3. Label your tape. Fold over the twig to label this basket. (This can be complete before positioning.)
4. Fill your basket as desired. Egg candies and Egg Soaps work very well.
More Nesting Shower…
25 Handmade Easter Projects