Cheers to you, Mrs. H, and the power of a Flower.
Whenever I see a nasturtium, Mrs. H, is in the room, too.
As a child, my parent’s friend, Mrs. H, was the most magnetic, elegant, witty, women I’d ever met. She shone with that “something extra ” quality and, she spread this shimmer, too. I loved to seeing her. To this day, I can easily recall her banter, remember compliments she exclaimed to my mother or the teasing way she had with my father and the ambiance she created in a room. Mrs. H was as close to Katherine Hepburn, one could get, off-screen. Mrs. H, was also the first person I ever met who used Nasturtiums and Violets, as embellishments, in her kitchen. This was impressive and bewitching to me and now, with a lawn full of my own nasturtium and violets, I love to using edible flowers, too.
Use edible flowers sprinkled on greens for a salad. Chop nasturtium leaves, too, to add another dimension to your green salads. These are also perfect, topping a cake and, as I’m sharing today, as ice. Ice Cubes with Flowers are so simple to make and add a wow to any dinner — whether it’s a soiree or an every day experiment with you kids! Just follow below!

How to make Edible Flower Ice Cubes:
– Gather Edible Flowers (violets and nasturtium are our two favourites)
– Wash
– Place flowers in an ice cube tray
– Fill Try with water
– Freeze.
They add so much to an ordinary day or interesting touches for a party.
Simple Homemade Lemonade:
4 lemons
1/2 cup sugar (or to taste)
2 quarts water
Flower ice
– Rinse lemons thoroughly.
– Roll whole lemons with the palm of your hands on the kitchen counter top to break up the pulp and produce more juice, then, cut the lemons in half and juice. (The kids love to squeeze these but if you’re in a hurry use your juicer.)
– Strain the lemon juice through a fine strainer to remove seeds and for a pulp free drink, if you prefer.
-Pour lemon juice into a two quart pitcher.
– Add sugar and water to taste.
– Stir vigorously until sugar is completely dissolved.
– Serve lemonade with ice.