Printable Halloween Haunted Forest!

Printable Halloween Haunted Forest!

Make your own Printable Halloween Haunted Forest!


Yes, one more spooky kid’s project this week (+ it’s a printable!):
Make your own Haunted Forest with this Printable Halloween Haunted Forest!
To enchant a haunted Halloween forest in your house, too, all you’ll need is this printable to cut and  color … Embellish these haunted trees as you’d like.  The hard work is finished, the magic needed is you. Make one single tree. Grow an enchanted haunted forest. Paint them black, gray and leave some white.
(click below to continue and for the printable PDF’s)
I was thrilled with our daughter’s expressive Jack-o-lanterns and spider web addition– personalize these as you’d like: pumpkins, plastic spiders, ghosts — whatever  halloween item tickles your Halloween bones! I’d love to see what you do, too and am always happy to hear from you.  Happy Making!