What does your weekend look like? Are you heading to a park for a picnic, a stroll, a festivity or enjoying your own back yard. Do even go to parks at all?
This week, I’ve started every morning at the above park, Ulriksdal (here and here) — and yes, honestly, starting the day surrounded by such beauty does stay with you all day long.
My morning strolls were followed by days in the Rococo theater, Confidencen, built in this castle park in 1753, with our youngest son’s class. I wish I could share the 60 sets of twinkling eyes of the 8-9 year old performers, my 900 + photos, the swooshing sound of the Gustavian skirts, dashing costumes, sets, props, the laughter in the air and atmosphere of Confidencen that took place just inside these yellow walls here; but, if you are in Stockholm, this weekend, and looking for something different to do with kids, come see yourself: “Si Confidencen m´ était conté” today at 1.00 — their class has been working so hard all year on this performance which is with Theater Director, Kerstin Dellert, as the narrator, and, Betina Marcolin, the choreographer; about the history of this theater!
(The table cloth, in the top photo above, is actually part of the performance … it will dance and oh, you should see the costumes!)
…or simple wishes for days spent in beautiful places! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
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