Happy Summer. Happy School Year. Happy Willowday.
If you can bake a pie, you can Monogram a Pie. I can think up endless reasons why everyone should and could Monogram a Pie.Monogram a Pie for aparty.Monogram a Pieas a fun project with your kids.Follow me below for what you need to know toMonogram a Pie, too.
The fun is always in the details.
As wetransition back to the everyday world of school and work after a dreamy summer, I like to put love in
the details. I’m not working towards perfection but, love and imagination. Make your Monograms as perfectly or as
imperfectly as you’d like but, do try!
- Pie with double-crust
- Sharp cutting knife or Cookie Cutter
- Pastry Brush
- Milk
- Sugar to sprinkle
- Leave extra pie crust after creating a double-crusted pie.
- Roll out appropriate sized crust for your monogram.
- Using a cookie cutter or free-handing a letter; cut the monogram from the crust.
- Place this monogram on top of your pie.
- Lightly coat the top of the crust with a dusting of milk and a sprinkle of sugar.
- Bake according to you pie recipe and enjoy!
If you use this idea toMonogram a Pie,I would absolutely love to see what you do with it. Share your Pie Monogram onFacebookorInstagramwith me (and others) and use the hashtag #willowdayproject
I always start the school year with a lot of alphabet – inspired baking + creating, like this:
- Alphabet Muffin| HERE
- Alphabet-Cut Granola| HERE
- Monogram Journals | HERE
This week is a “half-beach and half-school + workweek.”Oh, we’ve had a spectacular summer and I hope you’ve had a same. Thesepies and picnic blanket perfectly encapsulate both worlds with a small salute to readingand the fabric of our water-fill-ed summer. I designed this picnic blanket fabric several year back inspired by mykids. I can’t dress the kids in these patterns anymore, but, it doesremain apart of my picnic set. Sharing it here is both a piece of our everyday world and also another idea I wonder if you might enjoy too:have you ever thought toturn your kidssummer artwork into a pillowcase?If you’re looking for a special project for your kids, use their illustrations to create fabric. Here’s an example and some more details of how I did this with one of ourson’s drawing. (HERE)
I’m so happy to hear from many of you who’ve used my little free Willowday Fun Food cookbook (for subscribers only) and to also see a summer surge of “Willowday Unicorns, andPaper Lanterns.Although, I’m off all summer, it was wonderful to receive your mails, meet you on Instagram through smallshared bits and pieces fromour travels betweenSweden, France and the US; mostly in stories.
Willowday Wishes