DAY 3 | PINE GARLAND | DAG 3 Kotteslingor
Welcome guest stylist,Mari Strenghielm,to share and inspiring project with you today:DAY 3 | PINE GARLAND | DAG 3 Kotteslingor :
I have had the honor to participate in this year’s version of The Creative Collective Calendar. This is such agreat project initiated byGina on Willowday. For those who do not know the project, throughout December, one blogger per day will sharea DIY project or recipe.
I had a lot of ideas on what I would do, but then I realized that I will definitely make the simplest and finest spice I know. As I always do, it’s so easy and cheap as you get what you have. I’m talking about loops. You know as I did toSandberg tapeteror as I did atRobin Delselius bagerithis spring, and last Christmas. Loops became these “kotteslingor.” But nowit’s become thesesmall tassels of a pine and a brown band, that’s all you need. Any kind of plant and a band / string, just make it start and tie.
And when you’re done, you can just hang up the one who thinks it’s fine
and moody. I first tested on a cabinet in the library.
Och när man är klar som kan man bara hänga upp den där man tycker det blir fint och stämningsfullt. Jag testade först på ett skåp i biblioteket.
Och sen på mitt tittskåp på verandan.
And then on my perchon the porch.
But just hanging it like this on a chair I think is just as nice.
Men att bara hänga den så här på en stol tycker jag är precis lika
Andtomorrow, DAY 4,is the time for Danish,HeidiDen Kreative skyto showcaseherDIY tips.
Wish youagreat first adventwithfriends!
Hi friends, It’s back to me, Gina, from willowday and I want to thank you for joining us in this giant Scandinavianproject that links us all from so many corners ofthe world.Since we don’t meet face-to-face, this gives me a chance to share the world around me —-spread creativity and connection — as a way totell the story ofcreativity in the north this time of the year and to give you something practical to make with your own two hands. Over the next month, we’ll be hopping from home to home,workshop to workshop and kitchen to kitchen. I DID promise you a free ticket to Sweden, after all.
It’s very special for me to shareMari Strenghielm,today and, I promise that you might find yourself dreaming of moving to a turn-of-the-century house in the Swedish Archipelagoonce you startperusing herinstagram feed+blog—you’ve been warned.
We’re all working hard to pass on a touch ofScandinavia to you. Easyenough to reach out, take home and to leave you with something to make with your own hands. This is a one-of-a-kind project that I’m thrilled to share with you. As always, if you use or are inspired by any of these projects, we’d love to see them! Share with us on your social media and tag with #tccscandinavia2017 !