How to Make Washi Tape Feathers
Swedish Easter means feathers — lots and lots of feathers. This year we’ve been making our own, non-traditional feathers with Washi tape but, using them in traditional ways. When Swedes use color they go all out and feather color is where it’s at right now. We’ll share more about this and how to make your own Washi Tape Feathers too, if you just hop along with us below.
Let’s get started:

Washi Tape, Scissors, Spring Branches*
* Traditionally, a Swedish Easter Bouquet is make with Birch Branches and colourful feathers. We’ve picked our own branches from our lawn but, use what you have. Throughout the year, we’ve used everything from cherry blossoms to Pussy Willows. What is the most important is that that branches have fine tips. This tip will be the center of your feather. More below.

How to make Washi Tape Feathers:
It’s this easy:
1. Cute and double-up one piece of Washi tape, leaving the end slightly open + unattached.
2. Cut feather shape. Use the folded edge as the feather tip.
3. Fringe the feather.
4. Stick Washi Tape Feather on to the end of your branches.
5. Once you have as many feathers as you’d like, arrange these in a bouquet and you’re finished.
Happy Making.
Making Washi Tape Feathers is really straight-forward and those are the basics.
If you’d like an alternative: Use the tape horizontally for patterns and wide feathers and if you feel like you need a template you can find that at the bottom on this post. The kids, free-formed their feathers and applied taped directly to the branches and cut directly.

As you can see by our son’s striped arms, he was in gear for a match and this is a reminder to me of why making Washi Tape Feathers is a really great project to do with kids. It’s quick and easy, with very little clean up. I was able to lure him in to create with me after waffles and before matches. They’re so easy to make that I left the supplies out as an invitation to create and everyone in the household did.
With big kids, long chunks of uninterrupted time (when we’re all home) can feel slim so projects like this are ones that I’m really drawn to. I also like creating that includes outdoor time together.
We picked some branches on a walk with Henry. After waffles on a Saturday morning, Jonquils on the lawn; and at another time: we pulled out the washi tape and made feathers. You know what I mean: simplicity and creativity that brings us together. I’ve always liked seasonal pieces and also creations for everything to feel they’re a part of. Since everyone in the house has added to our bouquet, I think it makes it all the more lovely. (here, too)
Embellish Gifts:
Branches aren’t the only things you can embellish with Washi Tape Feathers. Add these to wrapping
(like this) or add them to seasonal blooms to personalise Gift bouquets.
If you’d live to read more about Swedish Easter Traditions, click here to read more about bouquets:
| here | or have you heard about Swedish Witches
(here) and an almost Trick-or-Treating-like tradition? In fact, I should gather some coins and candy, we should have teeny witches arriving soon!
Last Spring,
I was in Dalarna, during this time of the year. In this region, people add feathers to trees. Here are a few I snapped on the run.
We have a neighbour or two who’ve added feathers this week but, these are a few photos from Leksand. Buckets of Feather topped branches are colouring the city. There are everywhere from the local market to all florists. What do you think? Have you ever heard of this tradition before?